Dispositivos anticaída
Nombre | | Descarga |
A10 | General Information | Descarga |
A11 | Dimensions, type KR, K | Descarga |
A12 | Dimensions, type KRP | descargar |
A13 | Dimensions, type KR/T and K/TA | Descarga |
A14 | Dimensions, type KRP/T | Descarga |
A20 | Dimensions, Spring Base compressive load versions | Descarga |
A21 | Dimensions, Spring Base tensile load versions | Descarga |
A30 | Dimensions, Mounting Flanges | Descarga |
A40 | Approval for use in presses e.g. acc. to ISO 16092 (ex EN 693) | Descarga |
Frenos de seguridad
Nombre | | Descarga |
B10 | General Information | Descarga |
B11 | Dimensions, type KSP | Descarga |
B20 | Dimensions Spring base | Descarga |
B40 | DGUV certification for static holding of loads and forces | Descarga |
Dispositivos de detención bidireccionales
Nombre | | Descarga |
F10 | General Information | Descarga |
F50 | Dimensions, type KSP | Descarga |
F15 | Dimensions Spring base | Descarga |
F21 | Dimensions, type KFPC | Descarga |
F22 | Dimensions, type KFPA (ISO 15552) | Descarga |
F53 | Dimensions, type KFHR (sealed) | Descarga |
F55 | Dimensions, type KFHS (DGUV certified) | Descarga |
F57 | Dimensions, type KFHSR (DGUV certified, sealed) | Descarga |
F60 | Dimensions, type KFHA (ISO 6020/2) | Descarga |
F40 | DGUV test certificate for KFHS and KFHSR | Descarga |
Nombre | | Descarga |
– | Product Brochure | Descarga |
P11 | Dimensions, type FSK (hydraulic) | Descarga |
P12 | Dimensions, type FSKP (pneumatic) | Descarga |
P30 | Dimensions, Vertical Attachment for FSK | Descarga |
Nombre | | Descarga |
E10 | Módulo electroneumático EPM | Descarga |
M10 | Mechanical Valve Actuator MVA | Descarga |
M11 | Dimensions MVA | Descarga |
STB10 | Fijación de vástago STB | Descarga |
Z10 | Sistema automático de desaireación | Descarga |
Soluciones especiales
Nombre | | Descarga |
F23 | KFPD for torque | Descarga |
KRM | Safety Catcher mechanical actuation (without hydraulics or pneumatics) | Descarga |